Example `ws:// eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIzZjQ0ZGM2N2Y3YzY0MDc1OGZlMWI2ZjJlNmIxZjRkNSIsImlhdCI6MTY5ODAxMDcyOCwiZXhwIjoyMDEzMzcwNzI4fQ.K6ydLUC-4Q7BNIRCU1nWlI2s6sg9UCiOu-Lpedw2zJc`
To generate a HASS token, login into your dashboard, click on your name (bottom left), scroll down and create a long-lived access token.
You can check if you are properly connected by opening the settings tab in the app and looking at the bottom right corner.
In order to contribute to this project, you need the following to be setup before you can start working:
- Godot 4.1.3 installed
## Fundamentals
Communication with the Smart Home Environment is done using the `HomeAdapters` global. Each environment is made up of devices and entities.
A device is a collection of different entities and entities can represent many different things in a smart home.
For example, the entity of name `lights.smart_lamp_1` would control the kitchen lamps while `state.smart_lamp_1_temp` would show the current temperature of the lamp.
The `HomeAdapters` global allows to communicate with different backends and offers a set of fundamental functions allowing communication with the Smart Home.
Device {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"entities": Array[Entity]
Entity {
"state": String
"attributes": Dictionary
# Get a list of all devices
func get_devices() -> Signal[Array[Device]]
# Get a single device by id
func get_device(id: String) -> Signal[Device]
# Returns the current state of an entity.
func get_state(entity: String) -> Signal[Entity]
# Updates the state of the entity and returns the resulting state
2. Follow the following guide to setup exporting for android. [link](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_for_android.html)
3. Make sure to reuse any existing `debug.keystore` when updating an app
4. Don't forget to set the JAVA_HOME variable and restart Godot to take effect
5. Install the `Godot XR Android OpenXR Loaders` plugin in Godot
6. Configure the following in the android build template:
7.`<uses-feature android:name="com.oculus.feature.CONTEXTUAL_BOUNDARYLESS_APP" android:required="true" />` can be added to the `AndroidManifest.xml` to disable the boundary system.