extends StaticBody3D @export var entity_id = "media_player.bedroomspeaker" @onready var previous = $Previous @onready var next = $Next @onready var play = $Play @onready var logo = $PlayingInfo/Logo @onready var title = $PlayingInfo/Title @onready var artist = $PlayingInfo/Artist @onready var http_request = $PlayingInfo/HTTPRequest var playing = false # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): var stateInfo = await HomeApi.get_state(entity_id) set_state(stateInfo) await HomeApi.watch_state(entity_id, func(new_state): set_state(new_state) ) previous.on_button_down.connect(func(): HomeApi.set_state(entity_id, "previous") ) play.on_button_down.connect(func(): if playing: HomeApi.set_state(entity_id, "pause") else: HomeApi.set_state(entity_id, "play") ) next.on_button_down.connect(func(): HomeApi.set_state(entity_id, "next") ) func set_state(stateInfo): var state = stateInfo["state"] print("State changed to ", stateInfo) if state == "playing": if stateInfo["attributes"].has("entity_picture_local"): load_image(stateInfo["attributes"]["entity_picture_local"]) title.text = stateInfo["attributes"]["media_title"] artist.text = stateInfo["attributes"]["media_artist"] playing = true play.label = "pause" else: playing = false play.label = "play_arrow" func load_image(url: String): http_request.request("" + url) var result = await http_request.request_completed if result[0] != HTTPRequest.RESULT_SUCCESS: print("Error loading image: ", result[0], " ", result[1]) return var image = Image.new() var error = image.load_jpg_from_buffer(result[3]) if error != OK: print("Error loading image: ", error) return var texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image) logo.texture = texture