extends Node3D const Device = preload("res://content/ui/device/device.tscn") const Entity = preload("res://content/ui/entity/entity.tscn") const Switch = preload("res://content/entities/switch/switch.tscn") const Light = preload("res://content/entities/light/light.tscn") const Sensor = preload("res://content/entities/sensor/sensor.tscn") @onready var devices_node = $Devices var devices var selected_device = null # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): devices = await HomeAdapters.adapter.load_devices() render_devices() func render_devices(): var x = 0 var y = 0 for device in devices: var info = device.values()[0] var device_instance = Device.instantiate() device_instance.set_position(Vector3(y * 0.08, 0, -x * 0.08)) device_instance.click.connect(_on_device_click) device_instance.id = device.keys()[0] devices_node.add_child(device_instance) device_instance.set_device_name(info["name"]) x += 1 if x % 5 == 0: x = 0 y += 1 func render_entities(): var x = 0 var y = 0 var info for device in devices: if device.keys()[0] == selected_device: info = device.values()[0] break if info == null: return var entities = info["entities"] for entity in entities: var entity_instance = Entity.instantiate() entity_instance.set_position(Vector3(y * 0.08, 0, -x * 0.08)) entity_instance.click.connect(_on_entity_click) devices_node.add_child(entity_instance) entity_instance.set_entity_name(entity) x += 1 if x % 5 == 0: x = 0 y += 1 func _on_device_click(device_id): selected_device = device_id print(selected_device) clear_menu() render_entities() func _on_entity_click(entity_name): print(entity_name) selected_device = null clear_menu() render_devices() var type = entity_name.split(".")[0] print(type) if type == "switch": var switch = Switch.instantiate() switch.entity_id = entity_name switch.set_position(global_position) get_node("/root").add_child(switch) if type == "light": var light = Light.instantiate() light.entity_id = entity_name light.set_position(global_position) get_node("/root").add_child(light) if type == "sensor": var sensor = Sensor.instantiate() sensor.entity_id = entity_name sensor.set_position(global_position) get_node("/root").add_child(sensor) func clear_menu(): for child in devices_node.get_children(): devices_node.remove_child(child) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): pass