extends Node ## Prefix for the function names to be called const FN_PREFIX = "_on_" ## Prefix for the signal names to be emitted const SIGNAL_PREFIX = "on_" ## Tick rate for the slow tick event const SLOW_TICK = 0.1 ## Emitted when a node is clicked signal on_click(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is pressed down signal on_press_down(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is moved while pressed signal on_press_move(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is released signal on_press_up(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is grabbed signal on_grab_down(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is moved while grabbed signal on_grab_move(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is released from being grabbed signal on_grab_up(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is hovered signal on_ray_enter(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a node is no longer hovered signal on_ray_leave(event: EventPointer) ## Emitted when a key on the virtual keyboard is pressed signal on_key_down(event: EventKey) ## Emitted when a key on the virtual keyboard is released signal on_key_up(event: EventKey) ## Emitted when a button on the controller is pressed signal on_action_down(event: EventAction) ## Emitted when a button on the controller is released signal on_action_up(event: EventAction) ## Emitted when a value changes on the controller (e.g. joystick) signal on_action_value(event: EventAction) ## Emitted when the node gains focus signal on_focus_in(event: EventFocus) ## Emitted when the node loses focus signal on_focus_out(event: EventFocus) ## Emitted when a finger enters a TouchArea signal on_touch_enter(event: EventTouch) ## Emitted when a finger moves inside a TouchArea signal on_touch_move(event: EventTouch) ## Emitted when a finger leaves a TouchArea signal on_touch_leave(event: EventTouch) ## Emitted when a message is sent to the user signal on_notify(event: EventNotify) ## Emitted when the slow tick event occurs signal on_slow_tick(delta: float) var _slow_tick: float = 0.0 func _physics_process(delta): _slow_tick += delta if _slow_tick >= SLOW_TICK: on_slow_tick.emit(_slow_tick) _slow_tick -= SLOW_TICK var _active_node: Node = null ## Emits an event to the node tree func emit(type: String, event: Event): if event is EventBubble: _bubble_call(type, event.target, event) else: _root_call(type, event) ## Shortcut for sending a notification func notify(message: String, type:=EventNotify.Type.INFO): var event = EventNotify.new() event.message = message event.type = type emit("notify", event) ## Helper for emitting controller actions func emit_action(name: String, value, right_controller: bool=true): var event = EventAction.new() event.name = name event.value = value event.right_controller = right_controller match typeof(value): TYPE_BOOL: EventSystem.emit("action_down" if value else "action_up", event) TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_VECTOR2: EventSystem.emit("action_value", event) ## Returns true when the node is focused func is_focused(node: Node): return _active_node == node func _handle_focus(target: Variant, event: EventBubble): if target != null: if target.is_in_group("ui_focus_skip"): return false if target.is_in_group("ui_focus_stop"): return true if target == _active_node: return true if is_instance_valid(_active_node) == false: _active_node = null var event_focus = EventFocus.new() event_focus.previous_target = _active_node event_focus.target = target event_focus.bubbling = false if _active_node != null&&_active_node.has_method(FN_PREFIX + "focus_out"): emit("focus_out", event_focus) _active_node.call(FN_PREFIX + "focus_out", event_focus) on_focus_out.emit(event_focus) if target == null||target.is_in_group("ui_focus") == false: _active_node = null return false _active_node = target if _active_node != null&&_active_node.has_method(FN_PREFIX + "focus_in"): _active_node.call(FN_PREFIX + "focus_in", event_focus) on_focus_in.emit(event_focus) return true func _bubble_call(type: String, target: Variant, event: EventBubble, focused=false): if target == null: return false if target.has_method(FN_PREFIX + type): var updated_event = target.call(FN_PREFIX + type, event) if updated_event is EventBubble: updated_event.merge(event) event = updated_event if event.bubbling == false: return false if (type == "press_down"||type == "touch_enter")&&focused == false: focused = _handle_focus(target, event) for child in target.get_children(): if child is Function&&child.has_method(FN_PREFIX + type): child.call(FN_PREFIX + type, event) var parent = target.get_parent() if parent != null&&parent is Node: _bubble_call(type, parent, event, focused) else: # in case the top has been reached _root_call(type, event) return true func _root_call(type: String, event: Event): get(SIGNAL_PREFIX + type).emit(event)