class_name XRToolsGrabDriver extends RemoteTransform3D ## Grab state enum State { LERP, SNAP, } ## Drive state var state : State = State.SNAP ## Target pickable var target : XRToolsPickable ## Primary grab information var primary : Grab = null ## Secondary grab information var secondary : Grab = null ## Lerp start position var lerp_start : Transform3D ## Lerp total duration var lerp_duration : float = 1.0 ## Lerp time var lerp_time : float = 0.0 # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _physics_process(delta : float) -> void: # Skip if no primary node if not is_instance_valid(primary): return # Set destination from primary grab var destination := * primary.transform.inverse() # If present, apply secondary-node contributions if is_instance_valid(secondary): # Calculate lerp coefficients based on drive strengths var position_lerp := _vote(primary.drive_position, secondary.drive_position) var angle_lerp := _vote(primary.drive_angle, secondary.drive_angle) # Calculate the transform from secondary grab var x1 := destination var x2 := * secondary.transform.inverse() # Independently lerp the angle and position destination = Transform3D( x1.basis.slerp(x2.basis, angle_lerp), x1.origin.lerp(x2.origin, position_lerp)) # Test if we need to apply aiming if secondary.drive_aim > 0.0: # Convert destination from global to primary-local destination = * destination # Calculate the from and to vectors in primary-local space var secondary_from := destination * secondary.transform.origin var secondary_to := # Build shortest arc secondary_from = secondary_from.normalized() secondary_to = secondary_to.normalized() var spherical := Quaternion(secondary_from, secondary_to) # Build aim-rotation var rotate := Basis.IDENTITY.slerp(Basis(spherical), secondary.drive_aim) destination = Transform3D(rotate, Vector3.ZERO) * destination # Convert destination from primary-local to global destination = * destination # Handle update match state: State.LERP: # Progress the lerp lerp_time += delta if lerp_time < lerp_duration: # Interpolate from lerp_start to destination destination = lerp_start.interpolate_with( destination, lerp_time / lerp_duration) else: # Lerp completed state = State.SNAP if primary: primary.set_arrived() if secondary: secondary.set_arrived() # Apply the destination transform global_transform = destination force_update_transform() if is_instance_valid(target): target.force_update_transform() ## Set the secondary grab point func add_grab(p_grab : Grab) -> void: # Set the secondary grab if p_grab.hand_point and p_grab.hand_point.mode == XRToolsGrabPointHand.Mode.PRIMARY: print_verbose("%s> new primary grab %s" % [,]) secondary = primary primary = p_grab else: print_verbose("%s> new secondary grab %s" % [,]) secondary = p_grab # If snapped then report arrived at the new grab if state == State.SNAP: p_grab.set_arrived() ## Get the grab information for the grab node func get_grab(by : Node3D) -> Grab: if primary and == by: return primary if secondary and == by: return secondary return null func remove_grab(p_grab : Grab) -> void: # Remove the appropriate grab if p_grab == primary: # Remove primary (secondary promoted) print_verbose("%s> %s (primary) released" % [,]) primary = secondary secondary = null elif p_grab == secondary: # Remove secondary print_verbose("%s> %s (secondary) released" % [,]) secondary = null # Discard the driver func discard(): remote_path = NodePath() queue_free() # Create the driver to lerp the target from its current location to the # primary grab-point. static func create_lerp( p_target : Node3D, p_grab : Grab, p_lerp_speed : float) -> XRToolsGrabDriver: print_verbose("%s> lerping %s" % [,]) # Construct the driver lerping from the current position var driver := = + "_driver" driver.top_level = true driver.process_physics_priority = -80 driver.state = State.LERP = p_target driver.primary = p_grab driver.global_transform = p_target.global_transform # Calculate the start and duration var end := * p_grab.transform var delta := end.origin - p_target.global_position driver.lerp_start = p_target.global_transform driver.lerp_duration = delta.length() / p_lerp_speed # Add the driver as a neighbor of the target as RemoteTransform3D nodes # cannot be descendands of the targets they drive. p_target.get_parent().add_child(driver) driver.remote_path = driver.get_path_to(p_target) # Return the driver return driver # Create the driver to instantly snap to the primary grab-point. static func create_snap( p_target : Node3D, p_grab : Grab) -> XRToolsGrabDriver: print_verbose("%s> snapping to %s" % [,]) # Construct the driver snapped to the held position var driver := = + "_driver" driver.top_level = true driver.process_physics_priority = -80 driver.state = State.SNAP = p_target driver.primary = p_grab driver.global_transform = * p_grab.transform.inverse() # Snapped to grab-point so report arrived p_grab.set_arrived() # Add the driver as a neighbor of the target as RemoteTransform3D nodes # cannot be descendands of the targets they drive. p_target.get_parent().add_child(driver) driver.remote_path = driver.get_path_to(p_target) # Return the driver return driver # Calculate the lerp voting from a to b static func _vote(a : float, b : float) -> float: if a == 0.0 and b == 0.0: return 0.0 return b / (a + b)