extends Entity const Entity = preload ("../entity.gd") @onready var slider = $Slider # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): super() icon.value = "sliders" var stateInfo = await HomeApi.get_state(entity_id) if stateInfo == null: return set_state(stateInfo) await HomeApi.watch_state(entity_id, func(new_state): set_state(new_state) ) slider.on_value_changed.connect(func(value): HomeApi.set_state(entity_id, value) ) func set_state(state): slider.value = float(state["state"]) var attributes = state["attributes"] if attributes.has("min"): slider.min = float(attributes["min"]) if attributes.has("max"): slider.max = float(attributes["max"]) if attributes.has("step"): slider.step = float(attributes["step"])