class_name XRTools extends Node ## Below are helper functions to obtain various project settings that drive ## the default behavior of XR Tools. The project settings themselves are ## registered in ## Some of these settings can be overridden by the user through user settings. static func get_grip_threshold() -> float: # can return null which is not a float, so don't type this! var threshold = 0.7 if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/grip_threshold"): threshold = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/grip_threshold") if !(threshold >= 0.2 and threshold <= 0.8): # out of bounds? reset to default threshold = 0.7 return threshold static func set_grip_threshold(p_threshold : float) -> void: if !(p_threshold >= 0.2 and p_threshold <= 0.8): print("Threshold out of bounds") return ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/grip_threshold", p_threshold) static func get_y_axis_dead_zone() -> float: # can return null which is not a float, so don't type this! var deadzone = 0.1 if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/y_axis_dead_zone"): deadzone = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/y_axis_dead_zone") if !(deadzone >= 0.0 and deadzone <= 0.5): # out of bounds? reset to default deadzone = 0.1 return deadzone static func set_y_axis_dead_zone(p_deadzone : float) -> void: if !(p_deadzone >= 0.0 and p_deadzone <= 0.5): print("Deadzone out of bounds") return ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/y_axis_dead_zone", p_deadzone) static func get_x_axis_dead_zone() -> float: # can return null which is not a float, so don't type this! var deadzone = 0.2 if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/x_axis_dead_zone"): deadzone = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/x_axis_dead_zone") if !(deadzone >= 0.0 and deadzone <= 0.5): # out of bounds? reset to default deadzone = 0.2 return deadzone static func set_x_axis_dead_zone(p_deadzone : float) -> void: if !(p_deadzone >= 0.0 and p_deadzone <= 0.5): print("Deadzone out of bounds") return ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/x_axis_dead_zone", p_deadzone) static func get_snap_turning_deadzone() -> float: # can return null which is not a float, so don't type this! var deadzone = 0.25 if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/snap_turning_deadzone"): deadzone = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/snap_turning_deadzone") if !(deadzone >= 0.0 and deadzone <= 0.5): # out of bounds? reset to default deadzone = 0.25 return deadzone static func set_snap_turning_deadzone(p_deadzone : float) -> void: if !(p_deadzone >= 0.0 and p_deadzone <= 0.5): print("Deadzone out of bounds") return ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/snap_turning_deadzone", p_deadzone) static func get_default_snap_turning() -> bool: var default = true if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/default_snap_turning"): default = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/default_snap_turning") # default may not be bool, so JIC return default == true static func set_default_snap_turning(p_default : bool) -> void: ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/input/default_snap_turning", p_default) static func get_player_standard_height() -> float: var standard_height = 1.85 if ProjectSettings.has_setting("godot_xr_tools/player/standard_height"): standard_height = ProjectSettings.get_setting("godot_xr_tools/player/standard_height") if !(standard_height >= 1.0 and standard_height <= 2.5): # out of bounds? reset to default standard_height = 1.85 return standard_height static func set_player_standard_height(p_height : float) -> void: if !(p_height >= 1.0 and p_height <= 2.5): print("Standard height out of bounds") return ProjectSettings.set_setting("godot_xr_tools/player/standard_height", p_height) ## Find all children of the specified node matching the given criteria ## ## This function returns an array containing all children of the specified ## node matching the given criteria. This function can be slow and find_child ## is faster if only one child is needed. ## ## The pattern argument specifies the match pattern to check against the ## node name. Use "*" to match anything. ## ## The type argument specifies the type of node to find. Use "" to match any ## type. ## ## The recursive argument specifies whether the search deeply though all child ## nodes, or whether to only check the immediate children. ## ## The owned argument specifies whether the node must be owned. static func find_xr_children( node : Node, pattern : String, type : String = "", recursive : bool = true, owned : bool = true) -> Array: # Find the children var found := [] if node: _find_xr_children(found, node, pattern, type, recursive, owned) return found ## Find a child of the specified node matching the given criteria ## ## This function finds the first child of the specified node matching the given ## criteria. ## ## The pattern argument specifies the match pattern to check against the ## node name. Use "*" to match anything. ## ## The type argument specifies the type of node to find. Use "" to match any ## type. ## ## The recursive argument specifies whether the search deeply though all child ## nodes, or whether to only check the immediate children. ## ## The owned argument specifies whether the node must be owned. static func find_xr_child( node : Node, pattern : String, type : String = "", recursive : bool = true, owned : bool = true) -> Node: # Find the child if node: return _find_xr_child(node, pattern, type, recursive, owned) # Invalid node return null ## Find an ancestor of the specified node matching the given criteria ## ## This function finds the first ancestor of the specified node matching the ## given criteria. ## ## The pattern argument specifies the match pattern to check against the ## node name. Use "*" to match anything. ## ## The type argument specifies the type of node to find. Use "" to match any ## type. static func find_xr_ancestor( node : Node, pattern : String, type : String = "") -> Node: # Loop finding ancestor while node: # If node matches filter then break if ( and (type == "" or is_xr_class(node, type))): break # Advance to parent node = node.get_parent() # Return found node (or null) return node # Recursive helper function for find_children. static func _find_xr_children( found : Array, node : Node, pattern : String, type : String, recursive : bool, owned : bool) -> void: # Iterate over all children for i in node.get_child_count(): # Get the child var child := node.get_child(i) # If child matches filter then add it to the array if ( and (type == "" or is_xr_class(child, type)) and (not owned or child.owner)): found.push_back(child) # If recursive is enabled then descend into children if recursive: _find_xr_children(found, child, pattern, type, recursive, owned) # Recursive helper functiomn for find_child static func _find_xr_child( node : Node, pattern : String, type : String, recursive : bool, owned : bool) -> Node: # Iterate over all children for i in node.get_child_count(): # Get the child var child := node.get_child(i) # If child matches filter then return it if ( and (type == "" or is_xr_class(child, type)) and (not owned or child.owner)): return child # If recursive is enabled then descend into children if recursive: var found := _find_xr_child(child, pattern, type, recursive, owned) if found: return found # Not found return null # Test if a given node is of the specified class static func is_xr_class(node : Node, type : String) -> bool: if node.has_method("is_xr_class"): if node.is_xr_class(type): return true return node.is_class(type)