diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4e0cbb5..6c6a23f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# 🏠 Introduction
-Immersive Home is project to bring Smart Home and Mixed Reality technologies together for an intuitive and immersive experience. [Demo Video](https://youtu.be/aOd7JX6bfQI)
+Immersive Home is project to bring Smart Home and Mixed Reality technologies together for an intuitive and immersive experience.
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ Immersive Home is project to bring Smart Home and Mixed Reality technologies tog
-[Setup Guide](http://immersive-home.org/news/7)
+## Documentation
+For users: [https://docs.immersive-home.org/](https://docs.immersive-home.org/)
+For developers: [https://docs.immersive-home.org/development/](https://docs.immersive-home.org/development/)
## Planned Features
@@ -52,157 +56,4 @@ Immersive Home is project to bring Smart Home and Mixed Reality technologies tog
- [Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/)
**Mixed Reality Headsets**
-- Meta Quest 2 / Pro / 3
-## Connecting to your Home Assistant Instance
-Go to the settings tab (the gear icon) and enter the url `ws://hass.example.com:8123` of your Home Assistant instance.
-You can use the paste button on the keyboard in order to not have to manually type the url and token.
-In order to authenticate, you have to generate a long-lived access token in Home Assistant.
-To generate a HASS token, login into your dashboard, click on your name (bottom left), scroll down and create a long-lived access token.
-Finally, click the connect button and you should be connected to your Home Assistant instance.
-# 🛠 Development
-In order to contribute to this project, you need the following to be setup before you can start working:
-- Godot 4.1.3 installed
-## Fundamentals
-Communication with the Smart Home Environment is done using the `HomeApi` global. Each environment is made up of devices and entities.
-A device is a collection of different entities and entities can represent many different things in a smart home.
-For example, the entity of name `lights.smart_lamp_1` would control the kitchen lamps while `state.smart_lamp_1_temp` would show the current temperature of the lamp.
-### File Structure
-├── addons (All installed Godot Addons are saved here)
-├── assets (Files like logos or assets that are shared across scenes)
-├── content/ (Main files of the project)
-│ ├── entities (Entities that can be placed into the room)
-│ ├── functions (Generic functions that can be used in scenes)
-│ └── ui (User Interface Scenes and related files)
-└── lib/ (Code that is global or shared across scenes)
- ├── globals (Globally running scripts)
- └── home_adapters (Code allowing control smart home entities)
-### Home Api
-The `HomeApi` global allows to communicate with different backends and offers a set of fundamental functions allowing communication with the Smart Home.
-Device {
- "id": String,
- "name": String,
- "entities": Array[Entity]
-Entity {
- "state": String
- "attributes": Dictionary
-# Get a list of all devices
-func get_devices() -> Signal[Array[Device]]
-# Get a single device by id
-func get_device(id: String) -> Signal[Device]
-# Returns the current state of an entity.
-func get_state(entity: String) -> Signal[Entity]
-# Updates the state of the entity and returns the resulting state
-func set_state(entity: String, state: String, attributes: Dictionary) -> Signal[Entity]
-# Watches the state and each time it changes, calls the callback with the changed state, returns a function to stop watching the state
-func watch_state(entity: String, callback: Callable[entity: Entity]) -> Callable
-### Interaction Events
-Each time a button is pressed on the primary controller, a ray-cast is done to be able to interact with devices or the UI.
-Additionally, each event will bubble up until the root node is reached, allowing to handle events on parents.
-In case that an event of a specific node has to be reacted on, use the `Clickable` function node.
-It is also possible to bubble up information by returning a dictionary from a function like `_on_click`.
-| Function called | Args | Description |
-| -- | -- | -- |
-| `_on_click` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The back trigger button has been pressed and released |
-| `_on_press_down` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The back trigger button has been pressed down |
-| `_on_press_move` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The back trigger button has been moved while pressed down |
-| `_on_press_up` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The back trigger button has been released |
-| `_on_grab_down` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The side grab button been pressed down |
-| `_on_grab_move` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The side grab button been pressed down |
-| `_on_grab_up` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The side grab button been released |
-| `_on_ray_enter` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The ray-cast enters the the collision body |
-| `_on_ray_leave` | `[event: EventPointer]` | The ray-cast leaves the the collision body |
-| `_on_key_down` | `[event: EventKey]` | The ray-cast leaves the the collision body |
-| `_on_key_up` | `[event: EventKey]` | The ray-cast leaves the the collision body |
-| `_on_focus_in` | `[event: EventFocus]` | The node is got focused |
-| `_on_focus_out` | `[event: EventFocus]` | The node lost focus |
-| `_on_notify` | `[event: EventNotify]` | The ui notification system |
-After considering using the build in godot event system, I've decided that it would be better to use a custom event system.
-The reason being that we would have to check each tick if the event matches the desired one which seems very inefficient compared to using signals like the browser does.
-Thus I've decided to use a custom event system that is similar to the one used in the browser.
-### UI Groups
-| Group | Description |
-| -- | -- |
-| `entity` | Marks the object as being an entity placed in space |
-| `ui_focus` | The element can be focused, can be a parent |
-| `ui_focus_skip` | Focus checking on this element will be skipped |
-| `ui_focus_stop` | The focus will not be reset. Useful for keyboard |
-### Saving and Loading
-In order for an entity to be saved, it has to implement the `_save` function returning a dictionary of the data that should be saved.
-When loading, first the saved node gets instantiated, then either the `_load` function is called with the saved data, or when no `_load` function is implemented, the saved data directly applied to the node.
-### Functions
-In order to implement generic features, a set of functions is available to be used in the project.
-#### Movable
-The `Movable` node allows to move a node around in the room. It uses the grab events in order to transform the parent node.
-#### Clickable
-The `Clickable` allows to access events of the parent using signals this node emits.
-## Installing Locally
-1. Make sure Git LFS is installed
-2. Run `git clone https://github.com/Nitwel/Immersive-Home.git` in your terminal
-3. Import the created `Immersive-Home` folder in Godot
-4. Open the project in Godot 4.1.3
-### Testing without a VR Headset
-In order to test without a headset, press the run project (F5) button in Godot and ignore the prompt that OpenXR failed to start.
-To simulate the headset and controller movement, we're using the [XR Input Simulator](https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1775) asset.
-Click at the link to get a list of the supported controls.
-## Building
-1. Possibly fix importing scenes error
-2. Follow the following guide to setup exporting for android. [link](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_for_android.html)
-3. Make sure to reuse any existing `debug.keystore` when updating an app
-4. Don't forget to set the JAVA_HOME variable and restart Godot to take effect
-5. Install the `Godot XR Android OpenXR Loaders` plugin in Godot
-6. Configure the following in the android build template:
- - XRMode set to OpenXR
- - Check `Use Grandle Build`
- - Check `Godot OpenXR Meta`
- - In XRFeatures, select at least optional for passthrough
- - Ckeck Internet under the permissions
- - Under Resources > Filters to export, add `*.j2`
-7. `` can be added to the `AndroidManifest.xml` to disable the boundary system.
-## Troubleshooting
-- If you encounter unexpected behavior when building compared to running locally, it may be that the cached data of godot is corrupted or outdated. Try deleting the `.godot` folder and / or all `*.import` files.
+- Meta Quest 2 / Pro / 3
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