346 lines
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346 lines
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class_name XRToolsHand
extends Node3D
## XR Tools Hand Script
## This script manages a godot-xr-tools hand. It animates the hand blending
## grip and trigger animations based on controller input.
## Additionally the hand script detects world-scale changes in the XRServer
## and re-scales the hand appropriately so the hand stays scaled to the
## physical hand of the user.
## Signal emitted when the hand scale changes
signal hand_scale_changed(scale)
## Blend tree to use
@export var hand_blend_tree : AnimationNodeBlendTree: set = set_hand_blend_tree
## Override the hand material
@export var hand_material_override : Material: set = set_hand_material_override
## Default hand pose
@export var default_pose : XRToolsHandPoseSettings: set = set_default_pose
## Name of the Grip action in the OpenXR Action Map.
@export var grip_action : String = "grip"
## Name of the Trigger action in the OpenXR Action Map.
@export var trigger_action : String = "trigger"
## Last world scale (for scaling hands)
var _last_world_scale : float = 1.0
## Controller used for input/tracking
var _controller : XRController3D
## Initial hand transform (from controller) - used for scaling hands
var _transform : Transform3D
## Hand mesh
var _hand_mesh : MeshInstance3D
## Hand animation player
var _animation_player : AnimationPlayer
## Hand animation tree
var _animation_tree : AnimationTree
## Animation blend tree
var _tree_root : AnimationNodeBlendTree
## Sorted stack of PoseOverride
var _pose_overrides := []
## Force grip value (< 0 for no force)
var _force_grip := -1.0
## Force trigger value (< 0 for no force)
var _force_trigger := -1.0
## Pose-override class
class PoseOverride:
## Who requested the override
var who : Node
## Pose priority
var priority : int
## Pose settings
var settings : XRToolsHandPoseSettings
## Pose-override constructor
func _init(w : Node, p : int, s : XRToolsHandPoseSettings):
who = w
priority = p
settings = s
# Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsHand"
## Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
# Save the initial hand transform
_transform = transform
# Find our controller
_controller = XRTools.find_xr_ancestor(self, "*", "XRController3D")
# Find the relevant hand nodes
_hand_mesh = _find_child(self, "MeshInstance3D")
_animation_player = _find_child(self, "AnimationPlayer")
_animation_tree = _find_child(self, "AnimationTree")
# Apply all updates
## This method is called on every frame. It checks for world-scale changes and
## scales itself causing the hand mesh and skeleton to scale appropriately.
## It then reads the grip and trigger action values to animate the hand.
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
# Do not run physics if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Scale the hand mesh with the world scale.
if XRServer.world_scale != _last_world_scale:
_last_world_scale = XRServer.world_scale
transform = _transform.scaled(Vector3.ONE * _last_world_scale)
emit_signal("hand_scale_changed", _last_world_scale)
# Animate the hand mesh with the controller inputs
if _controller:
var grip : float = _controller.get_float(grip_action)
var trigger : float = _controller.get_float(trigger_action)
# Allow overriding of grip and trigger
if _force_grip >= 0.0: grip = _force_grip
if _force_trigger >= 0.0: trigger = _force_trigger
$AnimationTree.set("parameters/Grip/blend_amount", grip)
$AnimationTree.set("parameters/Trigger/blend_amount", trigger)
# This method verifies the hand has a valid configuration.
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := PackedStringArray()
# Check hand for mesh instance
if not _find_child(self, "MeshInstance3D"):
warnings.append("Hand does not have a MeshInstance3D")
# Check hand for animation player
if not _find_child(self, "AnimationPlayer"):
warnings.append("Hand does not have a AnimationPlayer")
# Check hand for animation tree
var tree : AnimationTree = _find_child(self, "AnimationTree")
if not tree:
warnings.append("Hand does not have a AnimationTree")
elif not tree.tree_root:
warnings.append("Hand AnimationTree has no root")
# Return warnings
return warnings
## Find an [XRToolsHand] node.
## This function searches from the specified node for an [XRToolsHand] assuming
## the node is a sibling of the hand under an [ARVRController].
static func find_instance(node : Node) -> XRToolsHand:
return XRTools.find_xr_child(
"XRToolsHand") as XRToolsHand
## Set the blend tree
func set_hand_blend_tree(blend_tree : AnimationNodeBlendTree) -> void:
hand_blend_tree = blend_tree
if is_inside_tree():
## Set the hand material override
func set_hand_material_override(material : Material) -> void:
hand_material_override = material
if is_inside_tree():
## Set the default open-hand pose
func set_default_pose(pose : XRToolsHandPoseSettings) -> void:
default_pose = pose
if is_inside_tree():
## Add a pose override
func add_pose_override(who : Node, priority : int, settings : XRToolsHandPoseSettings) -> void:
# Remove any existing pose override from this source
var modified := _remove_pose_override(who)
# Insert the pose override
if settings:
_insert_pose_override(who, priority, settings)
modified = true
# Update the pose
if modified:
## Remove a pose override
func remove_pose_override(who : Node) -> void:
# Remove the pose override
var modified := _remove_pose_override(who)
# Update the pose
if modified:
## Force the grip and trigger values (primarily for preview)
func force_grip_trigger(grip : float = -1.0, trigger : float = -1.0) -> void:
# Save the forced values
_force_grip = grip
_force_trigger = trigger
# Update the animation if forcing to specific values
if grip >= 0.0: $AnimationTree.set("parameters/Grip/blend_amount", grip)
if trigger >= 0.0: $AnimationTree.set("parameters/Trigger/blend_amount", trigger)
func _update_hand_blend_tree() -> void:
# As we're going to make modifications to our animation tree, we need to do
# a deep copy, simply setting resource local to scene does not seem to be enough
if _animation_tree and hand_blend_tree:
_tree_root = hand_blend_tree.duplicate(true)
_animation_tree.tree_root = _tree_root
func _update_hand_material_override() -> void:
if _hand_mesh:
_hand_mesh.material_override = hand_material_override
func _update_pose() -> void:
# Skip if no blend tree
if !_tree_root:
# Select the pose settings
var pose_settings : XRToolsHandPoseSettings = default_pose
if _pose_overrides.size():
pose_settings = _pose_overrides[0].settings
# Get the open and closed pose animations
var open_pose : Animation = pose_settings.open_pose
var closed_pose : Animation = pose_settings.closed_pose
# Apply the open hand pose in the player and blend tree
if open_pose:
var open_name = _animation_player.find_animation(open_pose)
if open_name == "":
open_name = "open_hand"
if _animation_player.has_animation(open_name):
_animation_player.add_animation(open_name, open_pose)
var open_hand_obj : AnimationNodeAnimation = _tree_root.get_node("OpenHand")
if open_hand_obj:
open_hand_obj.animation = open_name
# Apply the closed hand pose in the player and blend tree
if closed_pose:
var closed_name = _animation_player.find_animation(closed_pose)
if closed_name == "":
closed_name = "closed_hand"
if _animation_player.has_animation(closed_name):
_animation_player.add_animation(closed_name, closed_pose)
var closed_hand_obj : AnimationNodeAnimation = _tree_root.get_node("ClosedHand1")
if closed_hand_obj:
closed_hand_obj.animation = closed_name
closed_hand_obj = _tree_root.get_node("ClosedHand2")
if closed_hand_obj:
closed_hand_obj.animation = closed_name
func _insert_pose_override(who : Node, priority : int, settings : XRToolsHandPoseSettings) -> void:
# Construct the pose override
var override := PoseOverride.new(who, priority, settings)
# Iterate over all pose overrides in the list
for pos in _pose_overrides.size():
# Get the pose override
var pose : PoseOverride = _pose_overrides[pos]
# Insert as early as possible to not invalidate sorting
if pose.priority <= priority:
_pose_overrides.insert(pos, override)
# Insert at the end
func _remove_pose_override(who : Node) -> bool:
var pos := 0
var length := _pose_overrides.size()
var modified := false
# Iterate over all pose overrides in the list
while pos < length:
# Get the pose override
var pose : PoseOverride = _pose_overrides[pos]
# Check for a match
if pose.who == who:
# Remove the override
modified = true
length -= 1
# Advance down the list
pos += 1
# Return the modified indicator
return modified
static func _find_child(node : Node, type : String) -> Node:
# Iterate through all children
for child in node.get_children():
# If the child is a match then return it
if child.is_class(type):
return child
# Recurse into child
var found := _find_child(child, type)
if found:
return found
# No child found matching type
return null