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extends EditorPlugin
var globals = preload("globals.gd")
# A class member to hold the export plugin during its lifecycle.
var meta_export_plugin : GodotOpenXREditorExportPlugin
var pico_export_plugin : GodotOpenXREditorExportPlugin
var lynx_export_plugin : GodotOpenXREditorExportPlugin
var khronos_export_plugin : GodotOpenXREditorExportPlugin
func _enter_tree():
var plugin_version = get_plugin_version()
# Initializing the export plugins
meta_export_plugin = preload("meta/godot_openxr_meta_editor_export_plugin.gd").new()
meta_export_plugin._setup(globals.META_VENDOR_NAME, plugin_version)
pico_export_plugin = preload("pico/godot_openxr_pico_editor_export_plugin.gd").new()
pico_export_plugin._setup(globals.PICO_VENDOR_NAME, plugin_version)
lynx_export_plugin = preload("lynx/godot_openxr_lynx_editor_export_plugin.gd").new()
lynx_export_plugin._setup(globals.LYNX_VENDOR_NAME, plugin_version)
khronos_export_plugin = preload("khronos/godot_openxr_khronos_editor_export_plugin.gd").new()
khronos_export_plugin._setup(globals.KHRONOS_VENDOR_NAME, plugin_version)
func _exit_tree():
# Cleaning up the export plugins
meta_export_plugin = null
pico_export_plugin = null
lynx_export_plugin = null
khronos_export_plugin = null
class GodotOpenXREditorExportPlugin extends EditorExportPlugin:
## Base class for the vendor editor export plugin
var globals = preload("globals.gd")
var _vendor: String
var _plugin_version: String
func _setup(vendor: String, version: String):
_vendor = vendor
_plugin_version = version
func _get_name() -> String:
return "GodotOpenXR" + _vendor.capitalize()
# Path to the Android library aar file
# If this is not available, we fall back to the maven central dependency
func _get_android_aar_file_path(debug: bool) -> String:
var debug_label = "debug" if debug else "release"
return "res://addons/godotopenxrvendors/" + _vendor + "/.bin/" + debug_label + "/godotopenxr" + _vendor + "-" + debug_label + ".aar"
# Maven central dependency used as fall back when the Android library aar file is not available
func _get_android_maven_central_dependency() -> String:
return "org.godotengine:godot-openxr-vendors-" + _vendor + ":" + _plugin_version
func _get_vendor_toggle_option_name(vendor_name: String = _vendor) -> String:
return "xr_features/enable_" + vendor_name + "_plugin"
func _get_vendor_toggle_option(vendor_name: String = _vendor) -> Dictionary:
var toggle_option = {
"option": {
"name": _get_vendor_toggle_option_name(vendor_name),
"class_name": "",
"type": TYPE_BOOL,
"hint_string": "",
"default_value": false,
"update_visibility": false,
return toggle_option
func _is_openxr_enabled() -> bool:
return _get_int_option("xr_features/xr_mode", 0) == globals.OPENXR_MODE_VALUE
func _get_export_options(platform) -> Array[Dictionary]:
if not _supports_platform(platform):
return []
return [
func _get_export_option_warning(platform, option) -> String:
if not _supports_platform(platform):
return ""
if option != _get_vendor_toggle_option_name():
return ""
if not(_is_openxr_enabled()) and _get_bool_option(option):
return "\"Enable " + _vendor.capitalize() + " Plugin\" requires \"XR Mode\" to be \"OpenXR\".\n"
if _is_vendor_plugin_enabled():
for vendor_name in globals.VENDORS_LIST:
if (vendor_name != _vendor) and _is_vendor_plugin_enabled(vendor_name):
return "\"Disable " + _vendor.capitalize() + " Plugin before enabling another. Multiple plugins are not supported!\""
return ""
func _supports_platform(platform) -> bool:
if platform is EditorExportPlatformAndroid:
return true
return false
func _get_bool_option(option: String) -> bool:
var option_enabled = get_option(option)
if option_enabled is bool:
return option_enabled
return false
func _get_int_option(option: String, default_value: int) -> int:
var option_value = get_option(option)
if option_value is int:
return option_value
return default_value
func _is_vendor_plugin_enabled(vendor_name: String = _vendor) -> bool:
return _get_bool_option(_get_vendor_toggle_option_name(vendor_name))
func _is_android_aar_file_available(debug: bool) -> bool:
return FileAccess.file_exists(_get_android_aar_file_path(debug))
func _get_android_dependencies(platform, debug) -> PackedStringArray:
if not _supports_platform(platform):
return PackedStringArray()
if _is_vendor_plugin_enabled() and not _is_android_aar_file_available(debug):
return PackedStringArray([_get_android_maven_central_dependency()])
return PackedStringArray()
func _get_android_libraries(platform, debug) -> PackedStringArray:
if not _supports_platform(platform):
return PackedStringArray()
if _is_vendor_plugin_enabled() and _is_android_aar_file_available(debug):
return PackedStringArray([_get_android_aar_file_path(debug)])
return PackedStringArray()
func _get_android_dependencies_maven_repos(platform, debug) -> PackedStringArray:
var maven_repos = PackedStringArray()
if not _supports_platform(platform):
return maven_repos
if _is_vendor_plugin_enabled() and not _is_android_aar_file_available(debug) and _plugin_version.ends_with("-SNAPSHOT"):
return maven_repos