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class_name XRToolsMovementGrapple
extends XRToolsMovementProvider
## XR Tools Movement Provider for Grapple Movement
## This script provide simple grapple based movement - "bat hook" style
## where the player flings a rope to the target and swings on it.
## This script works with the [XRToolsPlayerBody] attached to the players
## [XROrigin3D].
## Signal emitted when grapple starts
signal grapple_started()
## Signal emitted when grapple finishes
signal grapple_finished()
## Grapple state
enum GrappleState {
IDLE, ## Grapple is idle
FIRED, ## Grapple is fired
WINCHING, ## Grapple is winching
# Default grapple collision mask of 1-5 (world)
const DEFAULT_COLLISION_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1111
# Default grapple enable mask of 5:grapple-target
const DEFAULT_ENABLE_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000
## Movement provider order
@export var order : int = 20
## Grapple length - use to adjust maximum distance for possible grapple hooking.
@export var grapple_length : float = 15.0
## Grapple collision mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var grapple_collision_mask : int = DEFAULT_COLLISION_MASK:
set = _set_grapple_collision_mask
## Grapple enable mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var grapple_enable_mask : int = DEFAULT_ENABLE_MASK
## Impulse speed applied to the player on first grapple
@export var impulse_speed : float = 10.0
## Winch speed applied to the player while the grapple is held
@export var winch_speed : float = 2.0
## Probably need to add export variables for line size, maybe line material at
## some point so dev does not need to make children editable to do this.
## For now, right click on grapple node and make children editable to edit these
## facets.
@export var rope_width : float = 0.02
## Air friction while grappling
@export var friction : float = 0.1
## Grapple button (triggers grappling movement). Be sure this button does not
## conflict with other functions.
@export var grapple_button_action : String = "trigger_click"
# Hook related variables
var hook_object : Node3D = null
var hook_local := Vector3(0,0,0)
var hook_point := Vector3(0,0,0)
# Grapple button state
var _grapple_button := false
# Get line creation nodes
@onready var _line_helper : Node3D = $LineHelper
@onready var _line : CSGCylinder3D = $LineHelper/Line
# Get Controller node - consider way to universalize this if user wanted to
# attach this to a gun instead of player's hand. Could consider variable to
# select controller instead.
@onready var _controller := XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self)
# Get Raycast node
@onready var _grapple_raycast : RayCast3D = $Grapple_RayCast
# Get Grapple Target Node
@onready var _grapple_target : Node3D = $Grapple_Target
# Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsMovementGrapple" or super(name)
# Function run when node is added to scene
func _ready():
# In Godot 4 we must now manually call our super class ready function
# Skip if running in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Ensure grapple length is valid
var min_hook_length := 1.5 * XRServer.world_scale
if grapple_length < min_hook_length:
grapple_length = min_hook_length
# Set ray-cast
_grapple_raycast.target_position = Vector3(0, 0, -grapple_length) * XRServer.world_scale
_grapple_raycast.collision_mask = grapple_collision_mask
# Deal with line
_line.radius = rope_width
# Update grapple display objects
func _process(_delta: float):
# Skip if running in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Update grapple line
if is_active:
var line_length := (hook_point - _controller.global_transform.origin).length()
_line_helper.look_at(hook_point, Vector3.UP)
_line.height = line_length
_line.position.z = line_length / -2
_line.visible = true
_line.visible = false
# Update grapple target
if enabled and !is_active and _is_raycast_valid():
_grapple_target.global_transform.origin = _grapple_raycast.get_collision_point()
_grapple_target.global_transform = _grapple_target.global_transform.orthonormalized()
_grapple_target.visible = true
_grapple_target.visible = false
# Perform grapple movement
func physics_movement(delta: float, player_body: XRToolsPlayerBody, disabled: bool):
# Disable if requested
if disabled or !enabled or !_controller.get_is_active():
# Update grapple button
var old_grapple_button := _grapple_button
_grapple_button = _controller.is_button_pressed(grapple_button_action)
# Enable/disable grappling
var do_impulse := false
if is_active and !_grapple_button:
elif _grapple_button and !old_grapple_button and _is_raycast_valid():
hook_object = _grapple_raycast.get_collider()
hook_point = _grapple_raycast.get_collision_point()
hook_local = hook_point * hook_object.global_transform
do_impulse = true
# Skip if not grappling
if !is_active:
# Get hook direction
hook_point = hook_object.global_transform * hook_local
var hook_vector := hook_point - _controller.global_transform.origin
var hook_length := hook_vector.length()
var hook_direction := hook_vector / hook_length
# Apply gravity
player_body.velocity += player_body.gravity * delta
# Select the grapple speed
var speed := impulse_speed if do_impulse else winch_speed
if hook_length < 1.0:
speed = 0.0
# Ensure velocity is at least winch_speed towards hook
var vdot = player_body.velocity.dot(hook_direction)
if vdot < speed:
player_body.velocity += hook_direction * (speed - vdot)
# Scale down velocity
player_body.velocity *= 1.0 - friction * delta
# Perform exclusive movement as we have dealt with gravity
player_body.velocity = player_body.move_body(player_body.velocity)
return true
# Called when the grapple collision mask has been modified
func _set_grapple_collision_mask(new_value: int) -> void:
grapple_collision_mask = new_value
if is_inside_tree() and _grapple_raycast:
_grapple_raycast.collision_mask = new_value
# Set the grappling state and fire any signals
func _set_grappling(active: bool) -> void:
# Skip if no change
if active == is_active:
# Update the is_active flag
is_active = active;
# Report transition
if is_active:
# Test if the raycast is striking a valid target
func _is_raycast_valid() -> bool:
# Fail if raycast not colliding
if not _grapple_raycast.is_colliding():
return false
# Get the target of the raycast
var target : CollisionObject3D = _grapple_raycast.get_collider()
# Check tartget layer
return true if target.collision_layer & grapple_enable_mask else false
# This method verifies the movement provider has a valid configuration.
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := super()
# Check the controller node
if !XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self):
warnings.append("This node must be within a branch of an XRController3D node")
# Return warnings
return warnings