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432 lines
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class_name XRToolsFunctionPickup
extends Node3D
## XR Tools Function Pickup Script
## This script implements picking up of objects. Most pickable
## objects are instances of the [XRToolsPickable] class.
## Additionally this script can work in conjunction with the
## [XRToolsMovementProvider] class support climbing. Most climbable objects are
## instances of the [XRToolsClimbable] class.
## Signal emitted when the pickup picks something up
signal has_picked_up(what)
## Signal emitted when the pickup drops something
signal has_dropped
# Default pickup collision mask of 3:pickable and 19:handle
const DEFAULT_GRAB_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0000_0000_0100
# Default pickup collision mask of 3:pickable
const DEFAULT_RANGE_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100
# Constant for worst-case grab distance
const MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE2: float = 1000000.0
## Pickup enabled property
@export var enabled : bool = true
## Grip controller axis
@export var pickup_axis_action : String = "grip"
## Action controller button
@export var action_button_action : String = "trigger_click"
## Grab distance
@export var grab_distance : float = 0.3: set = _set_grab_distance
## Grab collision mask
@export_flags_3d_physics \
var grab_collision_mask : int = DEFAULT_GRAB_MASK: set = _set_grab_collision_mask
## If true, ranged-grabbing is enabled
@export var ranged_enable : bool = true
## Ranged-grab distance
@export var ranged_distance : float = 5.0: set = _set_ranged_distance
## Ranged-grab angle
@export_range(0.0, 45.0) var ranged_angle : float = 5.0: set = _set_ranged_angle
## Ranged-grab collision mask
@export_flags_3d_physics \
var ranged_collision_mask : int = DEFAULT_RANGE_MASK: set = _set_ranged_collision_mask
## Throw impulse factor
@export var impulse_factor : float = 1.0
## Throw velocity averaging
@export var velocity_samples: int = 5
# Public fields
var closest_object : Node3D = null
var picked_up_object : Node3D = null
var picked_up_ranged : bool = false
var grip_pressed : bool = false
# Private fields
var _object_in_grab_area := Array()
var _object_in_ranged_area := Array()
var _velocity_averager := XRToolsVelocityAverager.new(velocity_samples)
var _grab_area : Area3D
var _grab_collision : CollisionShape3D
var _ranged_area : Area3D
var _ranged_collision : CollisionShape3D
## Controller
@onready var _controller := XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self)
## Grip threshold (from configuration)
@onready var _grip_threshold : float = XRTools.get_grip_threshold()
# Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsFunctionPickup"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Skip creating grab-helpers if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Create the grab collision shape
_grab_collision = CollisionShape3D.new()
_grab_collision.shape = SphereShape3D.new()
_grab_collision.shape.radius = grab_distance
# Create the grab area
_grab_area = Area3D.new()
_grab_area.collision_layer = 0
_grab_area.collision_mask = grab_collision_mask
# Create the ranged collision shape
_ranged_collision = CollisionShape3D.new()
_ranged_collision.shape = CylinderShape3D.new()
_ranged_collision.transform.basis = Basis(Vector3.RIGHT, PI/2)
# Create the ranged area
_ranged_area = Area3D.new()
_ranged_area.collision_layer = 0
_ranged_area.collision_mask = ranged_collision_mask
# Update the colliders
# Monitor Grab Button
_controller.connect("button_pressed", _on_button_pressed)
_controller.connect("button_released", _on_button_released)
# Called on each frame to update the pickup
func _process(delta):
# Do not process if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Skip if disabled, or the controller isn't active
if !enabled or !_controller.get_is_active():
# Handle our grip
var grip_value = _controller.get_float(pickup_axis_action)
if (grip_pressed and grip_value < (_grip_threshold - 0.1)):
grip_pressed = false
elif (!grip_pressed and grip_value > (_grip_threshold + 0.1)):
grip_pressed = true
# Calculate average velocity
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object) and picked_up_object.is_picked_up():
# Average velocity of picked up object
_velocity_averager.add_transform(delta, picked_up_object.global_transform)
# Average velocity of this pickup
_velocity_averager.add_transform(delta, global_transform)
## Find an [XRToolsFunctionPickup] node.
## This function searches from the specified node for an [XRToolsFunctionPickup]
## assuming the node is a sibling of the pickup under an [XRController3D].
static func find_instance(node : Node) -> XRToolsFunctionPickup:
return XRTools.find_xr_child(
"XRToolsFunctionPickup") as XRToolsFunctionPickup
## Find the left [XRToolsFunctionPickup] node.
## This function searches from the specified node for the left controller
## [XRToolsFunctionPickup] assuming the node is a sibling of the [XOrigin3D].
static func find_left(node : Node) -> XRToolsFunctionPickup:
return XRTools.find_xr_child(
"XRToolsFunctionPickup") as XRToolsFunctionPickup
## Find the right [XRToolsFunctionPickup] node.
## This function searches from the specified node for the right controller
## [XRToolsFunctionPickup] assuming the node is a sibling of the [XROrigin3D].
static func find_right(node : Node) -> XRToolsFunctionPickup:
return XRTools.find_xr_child(
"XRToolsFunctionPickup") as XRToolsFunctionPickup
## Get the [XRController3D] driving this pickup.
func get_controller() -> XRController3D:
return _controller
# Called when the grab distance has been modified
func _set_grab_distance(new_value: float) -> void:
grab_distance = new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Called when the grab collision mask has been modified
func _set_grab_collision_mask(new_value: int) -> void:
grab_collision_mask = new_value
if is_inside_tree() and _grab_collision:
_grab_collision.collision_mask = new_value
# Called when the ranged-grab distance has been modified
func _set_ranged_distance(new_value: float) -> void:
ranged_distance = new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Called when the ranged-grab angle has been modified
func _set_ranged_angle(new_value: float) -> void:
ranged_angle = new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Called when the ranged-grab collision mask has been modified
func _set_ranged_collision_mask(new_value: int) -> void:
ranged_collision_mask = new_value
if is_inside_tree() and _ranged_collision:
_ranged_collision.collision_mask = new_value
# Update the colliders geometry
func _update_colliders() -> void:
# Update the grab sphere
if _grab_collision:
_grab_collision.shape.radius = grab_distance
# Update the ranged-grab cylinder
if _ranged_collision:
_ranged_collision.shape.radius = tan(deg_to_rad(ranged_angle)) * ranged_distance
_ranged_collision.shape.height = ranged_distance
_ranged_collision.transform.origin.z = -ranged_distance * 0.5
# Called when an object enters the grab sphere
func _on_grab_entered(target: Node3D) -> void:
# reject objects which don't support picking up
if not target.has_method('pick_up'):
# ignore objects already known
if _object_in_grab_area.find(target) >= 0:
# Add to the list of objects in grab area
# Called when an object enters the ranged-grab cylinder
func _on_ranged_entered(target: Node3D) -> void:
# reject objects which don't support picking up rangedly
if not 'can_ranged_grab' in target or not target.can_ranged_grab:
# ignore objects already known
if _object_in_ranged_area.find(target) >= 0:
# Add to the list of objects in grab area
# Called when an object exits the grab sphere
func _on_grab_exited(target: Node3D) -> void:
# Called when an object exits the ranged-grab cylinder
func _on_ranged_exited(target: Node3D) -> void:
# Update the closest object field with the best choice of grab
func _update_closest_object() -> void:
# Find the closest object we can pickup
var new_closest_obj: Node3D = null
if not picked_up_object:
# Find the closest in grab area
new_closest_obj = _get_closest_grab()
if not new_closest_obj and ranged_enable:
# Find closest in ranged area
new_closest_obj = _get_closest_ranged()
# Skip if no change
if closest_object == new_closest_obj:
# remove highlight on old object
if is_instance_valid(closest_object):
closest_object.request_highlight(self, false)
# add highlight to new object
closest_object = new_closest_obj
if is_instance_valid(closest_object):
closest_object.request_highlight(self, true)
# Find the pickable object closest to our hand's grab location
func _get_closest_grab() -> Node3D:
var new_closest_obj: Node3D = null
var new_closest_distance := MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE2
for o in _object_in_grab_area:
# skip objects that can not be picked up
if not o.can_pick_up(self):
# Save if this object is closer than the current best
var distance_squared := global_transform.origin.distance_squared_to(
if distance_squared < new_closest_distance:
new_closest_obj = o
new_closest_distance = distance_squared
# Return best object
return new_closest_obj
# Find the rangedly-pickable object closest to our hand's pointing direction
func _get_closest_ranged() -> Node3D:
var new_closest_obj: Node3D = null
var new_closest_angle_dp := cos(deg_to_rad(ranged_angle))
var hand_forwards := -global_transform.basis.z
for o in _object_in_ranged_area:
# skip objects that can not be picked up
if not o.can_pick_up(self):
# Save if this object is closer than the current best
var object_direction: Vector3 = o.global_transform.origin - global_transform.origin
object_direction = object_direction.normalized()
var angle_dp := hand_forwards.dot(object_direction)
if angle_dp > new_closest_angle_dp:
new_closest_obj = o
new_closest_angle_dp = angle_dp
# Return best object
return new_closest_obj
## Drop the currently held object
func drop_object() -> void:
if not is_instance_valid(picked_up_object):
# let go of this object
_velocity_averager.linear_velocity() * impulse_factor,
picked_up_object = null
func _pick_up_object(target: Node3D) -> void:
# check if already holding an object
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object):
# skip if holding the target object
if picked_up_object == target:
# holding something else? drop it
# skip if target null or freed
if not is_instance_valid(target):
# Handle snap-zone
var snap := target as XRToolsSnapZone
if snap:
target = snap.picked_up_object
# Pick up our target. Note, target may do instant drop_and_free
picked_up_ranged = not _object_in_grab_area.has(target)
picked_up_object = target
target.pick_up(self, _controller)
# If object picked up then emit signal
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object):
picked_up_object.request_highlight(self, false)
emit_signal("has_picked_up", picked_up_object)
func _on_button_pressed(p_button) -> void:
if p_button == action_button_action:
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object) and picked_up_object.has_method("action"):
func _on_button_released(_p_button) -> void:
func _on_grip_pressed() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object) and !picked_up_object.press_to_hold:
elif is_instance_valid(closest_object):
func _on_grip_release() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(picked_up_object) and picked_up_object.press_to_hold: