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class_name XRToolsFunctionPointer
extends Node3D
## XR Tools Function Pointer Script
## This script implements a pointer function for a players controller. Pointer
## events (entered, exited, pressed, release, and movement) are delivered by
## invoking signals on the target node.
## Pointer target nodes commonly extend from [XRToolsInteractableArea] or
## [XRToolsInteractableBody].
## Signal emitted when this object points at another object
signal pointing_event(event)
## Enumeration of laser show modes
enum LaserShow {
HIDE = 0, ## Hide laser
SHOW = 1, ## Show laser
COLLIDE = 2, ## Only show laser on collision
## Enumeration of laser length modes
enum LaserLength {
FULL = 0, ## Full length
COLLIDE = 1 ## Draw to collision
## Default pointer collision mask of 21:pointable and 23:ui-objects
const DEFAULT_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0101_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
## Default pointer collision mask of 23:ui-objects
const SUPPRESS_MASK := 0b0000_0000_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
## Pointer enabled
@export var enabled : bool = true: set = set_enabled
## Y Offset for pointer
@export var y_offset : float = -0.013: set = set_y_offset
## Pointer distance
@export var distance : float = 10: set = set_distance
## Active button action
@export var active_button_action : String = "trigger_click"
## Controls when the laser is visible
@export var show_laser : LaserShow = LaserShow.SHOW: set = set_show_laser
## Controls the length of the laser
@export var laser_length : LaserLength = LaserLength.FULL: set = set_laser_length
## Laser pointer material
@export var laser_material : StandardMaterial3D = null : set = set_laser_material
## Laser pointer material when hitting target
@export var laser_hit_material : StandardMaterial3D = null : set = set_laser_hit_material
## If true, the pointer target is shown
@export var show_target : bool = false: set = set_show_target
## Controls the target radius
@export var target_radius : float = 0.05: set = set_target_radius
## Target material
@export var target_material : StandardMaterial3D = null : set = set_target_material
## Pointer collision mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var collision_mask : int = DEFAULT_MASK: set = set_collision_mask
## Enable pointer collision with bodies
@export var collide_with_bodies : bool = true: set = set_collide_with_bodies
## Enable pointer collision with areas
@export var collide_with_areas : bool = false: set = set_collide_with_areas
## Suppress radius
@export var suppress_radius : float = 0.2: set = set_suppress_radius
## Suppress mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var suppress_mask : int = SUPPRESS_MASK: set = set_suppress_mask
## Current target node
var target : Node3D = null
## Last target node
var last_target : Node3D = null
## Last collision point
var last_collided_at : Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO
# World scale
var _world_scale : float = 1.0
# Left controller node
var _controller_left_node : XRController3D
# Right controller node
var _controller_right_node : XRController3D
# Parent controller (if this pointer is childed to a specific controller)
var _controller : XRController3D
# The currently active controller
var _active_controller : XRController3D
## Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsFunctionPointer"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Do not initialise if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Read the initial world-scale
_world_scale = XRServer.world_scale
# Check for a parent controller
_controller = XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self)
if _controller:
# Set as active on the parent controller
_active_controller = _controller
# Get button press feedback from our parent controller
# Get the left and right controllers
_controller_left_node = XRHelpers.get_left_controller(self)
_controller_right_node = XRHelpers.get_right_controller(self)
# Start out right hand controller
_active_controller = _controller_right_node
# Get button press feedback from both left and right controllers
# init our state
# Called on each frame to update the pickup
func _process(_delta):
# Do not process if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint() or !is_inside_tree():
# Track the active controller (if this pointer is not childed to a controller)
if _controller == null and _active_controller != null:
transform = _active_controller.transform
# Handle world-scale changes
var new_world_scale := XRServer.world_scale
if (_world_scale != new_world_scale):
_world_scale = new_world_scale
# Find the new pointer target
var new_target : Node3D
var new_at : Vector3
var suppress_area := $SuppressArea
if (enabled and
not $SuppressArea.has_overlapping_bodies() and
not $SuppressArea.has_overlapping_areas() and
new_at = $RayCast.get_collision_point()
if target:
# Locked to 'target' even if we're colliding with something else
new_target = target
# Target is whatever the raycast is colliding with
new_target = $RayCast.get_collider()
# If no current or previous collisions then skip
if not new_target and not last_target:
# Handle pointer changes
if new_target and not last_target:
# Pointer entered new_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.entered(self, new_target, new_at)
# Pointer moved on new_target for the first time
XRToolsPointerEvent.moved(self, new_target, new_at, new_at)
# Update visible artifacts for hit
elif not new_target and last_target:
# Pointer exited last_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.exited(self, last_target, last_collided_at)
# Update visible artifacts for miss
elif new_target != last_target:
# Pointer exited last_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.exited(self, last_target, last_collided_at)
# Pointer entered new_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.entered(self, new_target, new_at)
# Pointer moved on new_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.moved(self, new_target, new_at, new_at)
# Move visible artifacts
elif new_at != last_collided_at:
# Pointer moved on new_target
XRToolsPointerEvent.moved(self, new_target, new_at, last_collided_at)
# Move visible artifacts
# Update last values
last_target = new_target
last_collided_at = new_at
# Set pointer enabled property
func set_enabled(p_enabled : bool) -> void:
enabled = p_enabled
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer y_offset property
func set_y_offset(p_offset : float) -> void:
y_offset = p_offset
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer distance property
func set_distance(p_new_value : float) -> void:
distance = p_new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer show_laser property
func set_show_laser(p_show : LaserShow) -> void:
show_laser = p_show
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer laser_length property
func set_laser_length(p_laser_length : LaserLength) -> void:
laser_length = p_laser_length
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer laser_material property
func set_laser_material(p_laser_material : StandardMaterial3D) -> void:
laser_material = p_laser_material
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer laser_hit_material property
func set_laser_hit_material(p_laser_hit_material : StandardMaterial3D) -> void:
laser_hit_material = p_laser_hit_material
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer show_target property
func set_show_target(p_show_target : bool) -> void:
show_target = p_show_target
if is_inside_tree():
$Target.visible = enabled and show_target and last_target
# Set pointer target_radius property
func set_target_radius(p_target_radius : float) -> void:
target_radius = p_target_radius
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer target_material property
func set_target_material(p_target_material : StandardMaterial3D) -> void:
target_material = p_target_material
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer collision_mask property
func set_collision_mask(p_new_mask : int) -> void:
collision_mask = p_new_mask
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer collide_with_bodies property
func set_collide_with_bodies(p_new_value : bool) -> void:
collide_with_bodies = p_new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Set pointer collide_with_areas property
func set_collide_with_areas(p_new_value : bool) -> void:
collide_with_areas = p_new_value
if is_inside_tree():
# Set suppress radius property
func set_suppress_radius(p_suppress_radius : float) -> void:
suppress_radius = p_suppress_radius
if is_inside_tree():
func set_suppress_mask(p_suppress_mask : int) -> void:
suppress_mask = p_suppress_mask
if is_inside_tree():
# Pointer Y offset update handler
func _update_y_offset() -> void:
$Laser.position.y = y_offset * _world_scale
$RayCast.position.y = y_offset * _world_scale
# Pointer distance update handler
func _update_distance() -> void:
$RayCast.target_position.z = -distance
# Pointer target radius update handler
func _update_target_radius() -> void:
$Target.mesh.radius = target_radius
$Target.mesh.height = target_radius * 2
# Pointer target_material update handler
func _update_target_material() -> void:
$Target.set_surface_override_material(0, target_material)
# Pointer collision_mask update handler
func _update_collision_mask() -> void:
$RayCast.collision_mask = collision_mask
# Pointer collide_with_bodies update handler
func _update_collide_with_bodies() -> void:
$RayCast.collide_with_bodies = collide_with_bodies
# Pointer collide_with_areas update handler
func _update_collide_with_areas() -> void:
$RayCast.collide_with_areas = collide_with_areas
# Pointer suppress_radius update handler
func _update_suppress_radius() -> void:
$SuppressArea/CollisionShape3D.shape.radius = suppress_radius
# Pointer suppress_mask update handler
func _update_suppress_mask() -> void:
$SuppressArea.collision_mask = suppress_mask
# Pointer visible artifacts update handler
func _update_pointer() -> void:
if enabled and last_target:
# Pointer-activation button pressed handler
func _button_pressed() -> void:
if $RayCast.is_colliding():
# Report pressed
target = $RayCast.get_collider()
last_collided_at = $RayCast.get_collision_point()
XRToolsPointerEvent.pressed(self, target, last_collided_at)
# Pointer-activation button released handler
func _button_released() -> void:
if target:
# Report release
XRToolsPointerEvent.released(self, target, last_collided_at)
target = null
last_collided_at = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# Button pressed handler
func _on_button_pressed(p_button : String, controller : XRController3D) -> void:
if p_button == active_button_action and enabled:
if controller == _active_controller:
_active_controller = controller
# Button released handler
func _on_button_released(p_button : String, _controller : XRController3D) -> void:
if p_button == active_button_action and target:
# Update the laser active material
func _update_laser_active_material(hit : bool) -> void:
if hit and laser_hit_material:
$Laser.set_surface_override_material(0, laser_hit_material)
$Laser.set_surface_override_material(0, laser_material)
# Update the visible artifacts to show a hit
func _visible_hit(at : Vector3) -> void:
# Show target if enabled
if show_target:
$Target.global_transform.origin = at
$Target.visible = true
# Control laser visibility
if show_laser != LaserShow.HIDE:
# Ensure the correct laser material is set
# Adjust laser length
if laser_length == LaserLength.COLLIDE:
var collide_len : float = at.distance_to(global_transform.origin)
$Laser.mesh.size.z = collide_len
$Laser.position.z = collide_len * -0.5
$Laser.mesh.size.z = distance
$Laser.position.z = distance * -0.5
# Show laser
$Laser.visible = true
# Ensure laser is hidden
$Laser.visible = false
# Move the visible pointer artifacts to the target
func _visible_move(at : Vector3) -> void:
# Move target if configured
if show_target:
$Target.global_transform.origin = at
# Adjust laser length if set to collide-length
if laser_length == LaserLength.COLLIDE:
var collide_len : float = at.distance_to(global_transform.origin)
$Laser.mesh.size.z = collide_len
$Laser.position.z = collide_len * -0.5
# Update the visible artifacts to show a miss
func _visible_miss() -> void:
# Ensure target is hidden
$Target.visible = false
# Ensure the correct laser material is set
# Hide laser if not set to show always
$Laser.visible = show_laser == LaserShow.SHOW
# Restore laser length if set to collide-length
$Laser.mesh.size.z = distance
$Laser.position.z = distance * -0.5