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496 lines
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class_name XRToolsFunctionTeleport
extends Node3D
## XR Tools Function Teleport Script
## This script provides teleport functionality.
## Add this scene as a sub scene of your [XRController3D] node to implement
## a teleport function on that controller.
# Default teleport collision mask of all
const DEFAULT_MASK := 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111
# Default material
# gdlint:ignore = load-constant-name
const _DefaultMaterial := preload("res://addons/godot-xr-tools/materials/capsule.tres")
## If true, teleporting is enabled
@export var enabled : bool = true: set = set_enabled
## Teleport button action
@export var teleport_button_action : String = "trigger_click"
## Teleport rotation action
@export var rotation_action : String = "primary"
# Teleport Path Group
## Teleport allowed color property
@export var can_teleport_color : Color = Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
## Teleport denied color property
@export var cant_teleport_color : Color = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
## Teleport no-collision color property
@export var no_collision_color : Color = Color(45.0 / 255.0, 80.0 / 255.0, 220.0 / 255.0, 1.0)
## Teleport-arc strength
@export var strength : float = 5.0
## Teleport texture
@export var arc_texture : Texture2D \
= preload("res://addons/godot-xr-tools/images/teleport_arrow.png") \
: set = set_arc_texture
## Target texture
@export var target_texture : Texture2D \
= preload("res://addons/godot-xr-tools/images/teleport_target.png") \
: set = set_target_texture
# Player Group
## Player height property
@export var player_height : float = 1.8: set = set_player_height
## Player radius property
@export var player_radius : float = 0.4: set = set_player_radius
## Player scene
@export var player_scene : PackedScene: set = set_player_scene
# Target Group
## Maximum floor slope
@export var max_slope : float = 20.0
## Collision mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var collision_mask : int = 1023
## Valid teleport layer mask
@export_flags_3d_physics var valid_teleport_mask : int = DEFAULT_MASK
## Player capsule material (ignored for custom player scenes)
var player_material : StandardMaterial3D = _DefaultMaterial : set = set_player_material
var is_on_floor : bool = true
var is_teleporting : bool = false
var can_teleport : bool = true
var teleport_rotation : float = 0.0;
var floor_normal : Vector3 = Vector3.UP
var last_target_transform : Transform3D = Transform3D()
var collision_shape : Shape3D
var step_size : float = 0.5
# Custom player scene
var player : Node3D
# World scale
@onready var ws : float = XRServer.world_scale
## Capsule shown when not using a custom player mesh
@onready var capsule : MeshInstance3D = $Target/Player_figure/Capsule
## [XRToolsPlayerBody] node.
@onready var player_body := XRToolsPlayerBody.find_instance(self)
## [XRController3D] node.
@onready var controller := XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self)
# Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsFunctionTeleport"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Do not initialise if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# It's inactive when we start
$Teleport.visible = false
$Target.visible = false
# Scale to our world scale
$Teleport.mesh.size = Vector2(0.05 * ws, 1.0)
$Target.mesh.size = Vector2(ws, ws)
$Target/Player_figure.scale = Vector3(ws, ws, ws)
# get our capsule shape
collision_shape = CapsuleShape3D.new()
# Apply properties
func _physics_process(delta):
# Do not process physics if in the editor
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Skip if required nodes are missing
if !player_body or !controller:
# if we're not enabled no point in doing mode
if !enabled:
# reset these
is_teleporting = false;
$Teleport.visible = false
$Target.visible = false
# and stop this from running until we enable again
# check if our world scale has changed..
var new_ws := XRServer.world_scale
if ws != new_ws:
ws = new_ws
$Teleport.mesh.size = Vector2(0.05 * ws, 1.0)
$Target.mesh.size = Vector2(ws, ws)
$Target/Player_figure.scale = Vector3(ws, ws, ws)
if controller and controller.get_is_active() and \
if !is_teleporting:
is_teleporting = true
$Teleport.visible = true
$Target.visible = true
teleport_rotation = 0.0
# get our physics engine state
var state := get_world_3d().direct_space_state
var query := PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D.new()
# init stuff about our query that doesn't change
query.collision_mask = collision_mask
query.margin = collision_shape.margin
query.shape_rid = collision_shape.get_rid()
# make a transform for offsetting our shape, it's always
# lying on its side by default...
var shape_transform := Transform3D(
Vector3(0.0, player_height / 2.0, 0.0))
# update location
var teleport_global_transform : Transform3D = $Teleport.global_transform
var target_global_origin := teleport_global_transform.origin
var up := player_body.up_player
var down := -up.normalized() / ws
# New teleport logic
# We're going to use test move in steps to find out where we hit something...
# This can be optimised loads by determining the lenght based on the angle
# between sections extending the length when we're in a flat part of the arch
# Where we do get a collission we may want to fine tune the collision
var cast_length := 0.0
var fine_tune := 1.0
var hit_something := false
var max_slope_cos := cos(deg_to_rad(max_slope))
for i in range(1,26):
var new_cast_length := cast_length + (step_size / fine_tune)
var global_target := Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -new_cast_length)
# our quadratic values
var t := global_target.z / strength
var t2 := t * t
# target to world space
global_target = teleport_global_transform * global_target
# adjust for gravity
global_target += down * t2
# test our new location for collisions
query.transform = Transform3D(
global_target) * shape_transform
var cast_result := state.collide_shape(query, 10)
if cast_result.is_empty():
# we didn't collide with anything so check our next section...
cast_length = new_cast_length
target_global_origin = global_target
elif (fine_tune <= 16.0):
# try again with a small step size
fine_tune *= 2.0
# if we don't collide make sure we keep using our current origin point
var collided_at := target_global_origin
# check for collision
var step_delta := global_target - target_global_origin
if up.dot(step_delta) > 0:
# if we're moving up, we hit the ceiling of something, we
# don't really care what
is_on_floor = false
# now we cast a ray downwards to see if we're on a surface
var ray_query := PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new()
ray_query.from = target_global_origin + (up * 0.5 * player_height)
ray_query.to = target_global_origin - (up * 1.1 * player_height)
ray_query.collision_mask = collision_mask
var intersects := state.intersect_ray(ray_query)
if intersects.is_empty():
is_on_floor = false
# did we collide with a floor or a wall?
floor_normal = intersects["normal"]
var dot := up.dot(floor_normal)
if dot > max_slope_cos:
is_on_floor = true
is_on_floor = false
# Update our collision point if it's moved enough, this
# solves a little bit of jittering
var diff : Vector3 = collided_at - intersects["position"]
if diff.length() > 0.1:
collided_at = intersects["position"]
# Fail if the hit target isn't in our valid mask
var collider_mask : int = intersects["collider"].collision_layer
if not valid_teleport_mask & collider_mask:
is_on_floor = false
# we are colliding, find our if we're colliding on a wall or
# floor, one we can do, the other nope...
cast_length += (collided_at - target_global_origin).length()
target_global_origin = collided_at
hit_something = true
# and just update our shader
$Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0).set_shader_parameter("scale_t", 1.0 / strength)
$Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0).set_shader_parameter("down", down)
$Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0).set_shader_parameter("length", cast_length)
if hit_something:
var color := can_teleport_color
var normal := up
if is_on_floor:
# if we're on the floor we'll reorientate our target to match.
normal = floor_normal
can_teleport = true
can_teleport = false
color = cant_teleport_color
# check our axis to see if we need to rotate
teleport_rotation += (delta * controller.get_vector2(rotation_action).x * -4.0)
# update target and colour
var target_basis := Basis()
target_basis.y = normal
target_basis.x = teleport_global_transform.basis.x.slide(normal).normalized()
target_basis.z = target_basis.x.cross(target_basis.y)
target_basis = target_basis.rotated(normal, teleport_rotation)
last_target_transform.basis = target_basis
last_target_transform.origin = target_global_origin + up * 0.001
$Target.global_transform = last_target_transform
$Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0).set_shader_parameter("mix_color", color)
$Target.get_surface_override_material(0).albedo_color = color
$Target.visible = can_teleport
can_teleport = false
$Target.visible = false
$Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0).set_shader_parameter("mix_color", no_collision_color)
elif is_teleporting:
if can_teleport:
# Make our target using the players up vector
var new_transform := last_target_transform
new_transform.basis.y = player_body.up_player
new_transform.basis.x = new_transform.basis.y.cross(new_transform.basis.z).normalized()
new_transform.basis.z = new_transform.basis.x.cross(new_transform.basis.y).normalized()
# Teleport the player
# and disable
is_teleporting = false;
$Teleport.visible = false
$Target.visible = false
# This method verifies the teleport has a valid configuration.
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := PackedStringArray()
# Verify we can find the XRToolsPlayerBody
if !XRToolsPlayerBody.find_instance(self):
warnings.append("This node must be within a branch of an XRToolsPlayerBody node")
# Verify we can find the XRController3D
if !XRHelpers.get_xr_controller(self):
warnings.append("This node must be within a branch of an XRController3D node")
# Return warnings
return warnings
# Provide custom property information
func _get_property_list() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return [
"name" : "Player",
"type" : TYPE_NIL,
"name" : "player_material",
"class_name" : "StandardMaterial3D",
"type" : TYPE_OBJECT,
"hint_string" : "StandardMaterial3D"
# Allow revert of custom properties
func _property_can_revert(property : StringName) -> bool:
return property == "player_material"
# Provide revert values for custom properties
func _property_get_revert(property : StringName): # Variant
if property == "player_material":
return _DefaultMaterial
# Set enabled property
func set_enabled(new_value : bool) -> void:
enabled = new_value
if enabled:
# make sure our physics process is on
# we turn this off in physics process just in case we want to do some cleanup
# Set the arc texture
func set_arc_texture(p_arc_texture : Texture2D) -> void:
arc_texture = p_arc_texture
if is_inside_tree():
# Set the target texture
func set_target_texture(p_target_texture : Texture2D) -> void:
target_texture = p_target_texture
if is_inside_tree():
# Set player height property
func set_player_height(p_height : float) -> void:
player_height = p_height
if is_inside_tree():
# Set player radius property
func set_player_radius(p_radius : float) -> void:
player_radius = p_radius
if is_inside_tree():
# Set the player scene
func set_player_scene(p_player_scene : PackedScene) -> void:
player_scene = p_player_scene
if is_inside_tree():
# Set the player material
func set_player_material(p_player_material : StandardMaterial3D) -> void:
player_material = p_player_material
if is_inside_tree():
# Update arc texture
func _update_arc_texture():
var material : ShaderMaterial = $Teleport.get_surface_override_material(0)
if material and arc_texture:
material.set_shader_parameter("arrow_texture", arc_texture)
# Update target texture
func _update_target_texture():
var material : StandardMaterial3D = $Target.get_surface_override_material(0)
if material and target_texture:
material.albedo_texture = target_texture
# Player height update handler
func _update_player_height() -> void:
if collision_shape:
collision_shape.height = player_height - (2.0 * player_radius)
if capsule:
capsule.mesh.height = player_height
capsule.position = Vector3(0.0, player_height/2.0, 0.0)
# Player radius update handler
func _update_player_radius():
if collision_shape:
collision_shape.height = player_height
collision_shape.radius = player_radius
if capsule:
capsule.mesh.height = player_height
capsule.mesh.radius = player_radius
# Update the player scene
func _update_player_scene() -> void:
# Free the current player
if player:
player = null
# If specified, instantiate a new player
if player_scene:
player = player_scene.instantiate()
# Show the capsule mesh only if we have no player
capsule.visible = player == null
# Update player material
func _update_player_material():
if player_material:
capsule.set_surface_override_material(0, player_material)