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2023-10-16 20:10:20 +03:00
class_name XRToolsVignette
extends Node3D
@export var radius : float = 1.0: set = set_radius
@export var fade : float = 0.05: set = set_fade
@export var steps : int = 32: set = set_steps
@export var auto_adjust : bool = true: set = set_auto_adjust
@export var auto_inner_radius : float = 0.35
@export var auto_fade_out_factor : float = 1.5
@export var auto_fade_delay : float = 1.0
@export var auto_rotation_limit : float = 20.0: set = set_auto_rotation_limit
@export var auto_velocity_limit : float = 10.0
var material : ShaderMaterial = preload("res://addons/godot-xr-tools/effects/vignette.tres")
var auto_first = true
var fade_delay = 0.0
var origin_node = null
var last_origin_basis : Basis
var last_location : Vector3
@onready var auto_rotation_limit_rad = deg_to_rad(auto_rotation_limit)
func set_radius(new_radius : float) -> void:
radius = new_radius
if is_inside_tree():
func _update_radius() -> void:
if radius < 1.0:
if material:
material.set_shader_parameter("radius", radius * sqrt(2))
$Mesh.visible = true
$Mesh.visible = false
func set_fade(new_fade : float) -> void:
fade = new_fade
if is_inside_tree():
func _update_fade() -> void:
if material:
material.set_shader_parameter("fade", fade)
func set_steps(new_steps : int) -> void:
steps = new_steps
if is_inside_tree():
func _update_mesh() -> void:
var vertices : PackedVector3Array
var indices : PackedInt32Array
vertices.resize(2 * steps)
indices.resize(6 * steps)
for i in steps:
var v : Vector3 = Vector3.RIGHT.rotated(Vector3.FORWARD, deg_to_rad((360.0 * i) / steps))
vertices[i] = v
vertices[steps+i] = v * 2.0
var off = i * 6
var i2 = ((i + 1) % steps)
indices[off + 0] = steps + i
indices[off + 1] = steps + i2
indices[off + 2] = i2
indices[off + 3] = steps + i
indices[off + 4] = i2
indices[off + 5] = i
# update our mesh
var arr_mesh =
var arr : Array
arr[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices
arr[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_INDEX] = indices
arr_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr)
arr_mesh.custom_aabb = AABB(Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
$Mesh.mesh = arr_mesh
$Mesh.set_surface_override_material(0, material)
func set_auto_adjust(new_auto_adjust : bool) -> void:
auto_adjust = new_auto_adjust
if is_inside_tree() and !Engine.is_editor_hint():
func _update_auto_adjust() -> void:
# Turn process on if auto adjust is true.
# Note we don't turn it off here, we want to finish fading out the vignette if needed
if auto_adjust:
func set_auto_rotation_limit(new_auto_rotation_limit : float) -> void:
auto_rotation_limit = new_auto_rotation_limit
auto_rotation_limit_rad = deg_to_rad(auto_rotation_limit)
# Add support for is_xr_class on XRTools classes
func is_xr_class(name : String) -> bool:
return name == "XRToolsVignette"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
if !Engine.is_editor_hint():
origin_node = XRHelpers.get_xr_origin(self)
# Called on process
func _process(delta):
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
if !origin_node:
if !auto_adjust:
# set to true for next time this is enabled
auto_first = true
# We are done, turn off process
if auto_first:
# first time we run process since starting, just record transform
last_origin_basis = origin_node.global_transform.basis
last_location = global_transform.origin
auto_first = false
# Get our delta transform
var delta_b = origin_node.global_transform.basis * last_origin_basis.inverse()
var delta_v = global_transform.origin - last_location
# Adjust radius based on rotation speed of our origin point (not of head movement).
# We convert our delta rotation to a quaterion.
# A quaternion represents a rotation around an angle.
var q = delta_b.get_rotation_quaternion()
# We get our angle from our w component and then adjust to get a
# rotation speed per second by dividing by delta
var angle = (2 * acos(q.w)) / delta
# Calculate what our radius should be for our rotation speed
var target_radius = 1.0
if auto_rotation_limit > 0:
target_radius = 1.0 - (
clamp(angle / auto_rotation_limit_rad, 0.0, 1.0) * (1.0 - auto_inner_radius))
# Now do the same for speed, this includes players physical speed but there
# isn't much we can do there.
if auto_velocity_limit > 0:
var velocity = delta_v.length() / delta
target_radius = min(target_radius, 1.0 - (
clamp(velocity / auto_velocity_limit, 0.0, 1.0) * (1.0 - auto_inner_radius)))
# if our radius is small then our current we apply it
if target_radius < radius:
fade_delay = auto_fade_delay
elif fade_delay > 0.0:
fade_delay -= delta
set_radius(clamp(radius + delta / auto_fade_out_factor, 0.0, 1.0))
last_origin_basis = origin_node.global_transform.basis
last_location = global_transform.origin
# This method verifies the vignette has a valid configuration.
# Specifically it checks the following:
# - XROrigin3D is a parent
# - XRCamera3D is our parent
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := PackedStringArray()
# Check the origin node
if !XRHelpers.get_xr_origin(self):
warnings.append("Parent node must be in a branch from XROrigin3D")
# check camera node
var parent = get_parent()
if !parent or !parent is XRCamera3D:
warnings.append("Parent node must be an XRCamera3D")
return warnings